Become a Volunteer

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  • Mangrove Care Forum Bali welcomes and accepts volunteer Applicants who are open and willing to contribute to, learn and experience about mangrove conservation in Bali especially in Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park.
  • All volunteer participants must be 18 years of age in order to participate on any and all Mangrove Care Forum Bali programs. Volunteer applicants whom are under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardians signature on the application.
  • Mangrove Care Forum Bali is not responsible for loss of property, personal injury, illness, accident, and expense sustained by the volunteer while participating in our program.
  • All volunteer participants must be physically, mentally and medically capable to participate in all projects and activities included in the program. Mangrove Care Forum Bali may require a medical form and doctor’s release in some circumstances.
  • Mangrove Care Forum Bali will contact volunteer applicant to inform volunteer applicant of his/her:
    1. Acceptance into the program
    2. Non-acceptance, or
    3. pending application due to a need of more information.
  • If accepted, Mangrove Care Forum Bali will notify volunteer applicant by email OR mail and enclose instructions regarding completion of the Mangrove Care Forum Bali program agreement
  • Mangrove Care Forum Bali will place volunteer participants in programs on a first-come, first-served basis.

Save Mangrove, Save Earth

Mangroves Need Your Help. Are you ready to volunteer?
